The Lion
I am what we call an elder who is reincarnating on earth to be able to help his neighbor.
I was mandated by God himself to accomplish a mission. When I talk about elders, I'm saying here that I've lived a lot of life on earth. This means that I have lived through several periods of different cosmic areas on this earth.
My job was to accomplish the return of light in the duality of this air. My job was to find God in months. Simply that without God there is no balance in the human being, there is only the devil. You have to understand that in the dark, love is the truth. Put without shadow there is no raw material to transmute through love to make light of it. Which means that after several traumatic experiences. As an alchemist, I had to find light in this dark matter.
To achieve this, I had to analyze each of the traumas I was experiencing in order to get up to recognize how to transmute this dark part into light. Dark matter is transmuted through love, in the secret is forgiveness of oneself. Self forgiveness will make a red substance that is love will balance dark matter and illuminate it in light. This first book will open your conscience in order to become a lion. Thanks to the manifestation of the spark which is the fire in you. Don't forget that the main goal is to get a lion's heart. Mine was red and now God has made it a heart of gold. Let this book open your lion's heart to you. God and the son Yeshua are waiting for you